PyNOT : bias

This task takes a list of a bias images and combines them into a master combined bias frame. The command line task accepts wildcards, an explicit list of files, or a file containing a list of files. The combination is performed using a sigma-clipped mean or median. The threshold of the clipping and the method can be controlled by the --kappa and --method arguments.

The easiest way to generate the input for pynot bias is to source it from the file classification table:

%] cat dataset.pfc | grep BIAS > bias.list
%] pynot bias bias.list --output master_bias.fits --method median

Alternatively the input can be passed as an explicit list:

%] pynot bias data/bias1.fits data/bias2.fits data/bias3.fits --output master_bias.fits

or using wildcards:

%] pynot bias data/bias*.fits --output master_bias.fits

Example Syntax

pynot bias input

Full example of command line syntax:

pynot bias [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--kappa KAPPA] [--method {mean,median}] input

Overview of parameters

Input file containing list of image filenames to combine
Optional Arguments:
--output (-o): 'MASTER_BIAS.fits'
Output filename of combined bias frame (default = MASTER_BIAS.fits)
--kappa: 15
Threshold for sigma clipping
--method: 'mean'
Method for image combination