PyNOT : sep

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Example Syntax

pynot sep input

Full example of command line syntax:

pynot sep [-h] [-z ZERO] [--bw BW] [--bh BH] [--fw FW] [--fh FH] [--fthresh FTHRESH] [--aperture APERTURE] [--threshold THRESHOLD] [--minarea MINAREA] [--deblend_nthresh DEBLEND_NTHRESH] [--deblend_cont DEBLEND_CONT] [--clean CLEAN] [--clean_param CLEAN_PARAM] [--segmentation_map SEGMENTATION_MAP] input

Overview of parameters

Input image to analyse
Optional Arguments:
--zero (-z): 0.0
Magnitude zeropoint, default is 0 (instrument mags)
--bw: 64
Width of background boxes in pixels
--bh: 64
Height of background boxes in pixels
--fw: 3
Background filter width in boxes
--fh: 3
Background filter height in boxes
--fthresh: 0.0
Background filter threshold
--aperture: 10.0
Circular aperture radius in pixels
--threshold: 5.0
Detection threshold (sigma)
--minarea: 15
Minimum number of pixels required for an object
--deblend_nthresh: 32
Number of thresholds used for object deblending
--deblend_cont: 0.005
Minimum contrast ratio used for object deblending. Disable deblending by setting to 1.0
--clean: True
Perform cleaning?
--clean_param: 1.0
Cleaning parameter (see SExtractor manual)
--segmentation_map: True
Create a segmentation map?