PyNOT : wcs

Nothing here yet! Stay tuned... :)

Example Syntax

pynot wcs input

Full example of command line syntax:

pynot wcs [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--fig FIG] [-d] [--min_num MIN_NUM] [--G_lim G_LIM] [--q_lim Q_LIM] [--p_kde P_KDE] [--kde_factor KDE_FACTOR] [--plot PLOT] input [table]

Overview of parameters

Input image to analyse
Optional Arguments:
Source identification table from SEP (_phot.fits)
--output (-o): ''
Filename of WCS calibrated image (.fits)
--fig: ''
Filename of diagnostic figure (.pdf)
--debug (-d): False
Enable debugging mode with additional diagnostic plots
--min_num: 6
Minimum number of targets required.
--G_lim: 5
Bright limit of Gaia sources. Reject targets brighter than G < G_lim
--q_lim: 0.8
Reject elliptical sources with axis ratio < `q_lim`
--p_kde: 0.5
Probability threshold for projected vector filtering.
--kde_factor: 0.1
Smoothing scale for the Gaussian kernel density estimator.
--plot: False
Make a diagnostic plot of the WCS alignment?