PyNOT : autozp

Nothing here yet! Stay tuned... :)

Example Syntax

pynot autozp input table

Full example of command line syntax:

pynot autozp [-h] [--fig FIG] [--q_lim Q_LIM] [--kappa KAPPA] [--match_radius MATCH_RADIUS] input table

Overview of parameters

Input WCS calibrated image to analyse
Source identification table from SEP (_phot.fits)
Optional Arguments:
--fig: ''
Filename of diagnostic figure (.pdf), autogenerated by default
--q_lim: 0.8
Reject elliptical sources with axis ratio < `q_lim`
--kappa: 3
Threshold for magnitude filtering.
--match_radius: 1
Matching radius in arcsec for source catalog and SDSS catalog